Operation Manual for the Lethabo Power Station
Operation and Maintenance Manual and Emergency Preparedness Plans for the Lethabo Power Station

South Africa, Free State, Lethabo Power Station
Project Duration
Inspections, identification and compiling of emergency preparedness manual – 3 Months
Project Scope
The dam safety regulations publicised by the Minister of Water and Sanitation in terms of the National Water Act (Act, No. 36 of 1998), GNR no. 139 of February 2012, require that the owner of a dam which constitutes a safety risk must operate and maintain the dam in a proper, safe and responsible manner. The purpose of this manual was to provide guidelines to the owner of the general operations and maintenance of the structure to ensure the safe use thereof throughout its full operational life. The routine inspections to be carried out as well as the records to be kept were also outlined in the manual. The manual had to be kept up to date and had to always be available for use at Lethabo Power Station Emergency Preparedness office.
Project Challenges
– Inspecting and identifying defects on a big dam was a challenge
– The dam could not be emptied to do a full inspection of the dam liner
– Access to information was limited
– Identifying all sub-surface drainage outlets was very difficult
– Gaining access to certain areas and locations of the dam was a challenge

– Walk the bottom of the dam wall and crest
– Made use of modern technology by using high-resolution cameras to identify indifferences on the dam wall
– Inspect the overflow structure
– Inspect the emergency pump house
– Measure the flow consistency of the sub-surface drains
– Closely inspect the water quality of the sub-surface drains
– Develop the emergency preparedness manual with an APP (approved Professional Person)